Graphis 163. Walter Herdeg

Graphis 163. Walter Herdeg
Graphis 163
Walter Herdeg. 1973.
The Graphis Press, Zurich
83pp. plus advertisements
Cover image: Walter Breker
Graphis magazine Issue 163 features articles on: Art Directors Club of New York 51st Annual Exhibition of Advertising, Editorial & Television Art and Design: Inception of the Hall of Fame, by Jerome Snyder; Painted Walls, by Ingrid Wiegand; and Playboy: 20 Years of Editorial Imagery, by Jerome Snyder. Profiled artists include Art Kane, by Allan Porter; Walter Breker, by Dr. Arianna Giachi; and Edward Gorey, by Manuel Gasser.
CONTENTS354 Art Directors Club of New York. 51st Annual Exhibition of Advertising, Editorial and Television Art and Design. Inception of the Hall of Fame, by Jerome Snyder, New York374 Art Kane, by Allan Porter, Lucerne388 Painted Walls, by Ingrid Wiegand, New York398 Walter Breker, by Dr. Arianna Giachi, Frankfurt406 Playboy. Twenty Years of Editorial Imagery, by Jerome Snyder, New York424 Edward Gorey, by Manuel Gasser, Zurich437 Book Reviews