Kunst und Handwerk 1929 Gropius, Koch, Wolpe

Kunst und Handwerk 1929 Gropius, Koch, Wolpe
Kunst und Handwerk. Jahrgang 79. 1929. January to December 1929. Magazine for Art and Craft. Editor: Dr. Eberhard Hanffstaengl. Also incorporates Architecture and Graphic Arts. The journal was stopped with the rise of the Nazis in 1932. The year 1929 was the first year again when a journal was produced every month. Articles about ‘Das Neue Frankfurt’. Products from ‘Deutsche Werkstaetten’ are shown. Jewellery, Ceramics, Woodwork, Waldorfschule wooden toys, Glass, Art for the Church (works by Rudolf Koch, Berthold Wolpe), Graphics by Hohlwein, Baumberger, Cassandre, McKnight Kauffer, Purvis. Special architecture issue: Dammerstocksiedlung, by Walter Gropius. This article is set in ‘lower case’ only.Fascinating photographs of the building in progress and the finished housing by architects: gropius, riphahn, haesler-celle, roeckle and more. Numerous small advertisements (some in new typography style).