Octavo 7

Octavo 7
Octavo 7. 1990. The New Synthesis
Designed by 8vo (Mark Holt, Hamish Muir, Michael Burke). 297mm x 210mm. 16pp. 4000 copies printed.
Articles incl: The 'ring neuer werbegestalter' 1927 - 1933. Prof Friedrich Friedl. An important survey of the work of this pan-European movement with an informed assessment of the pioneering typographic approach common to all the ring's members who formulated many design principles still in use today.
Type and Image. Bridget Wilkins. Questions conventional ideas of reading, legibility and typographic layout.
Mobilizing Words. Roland Schaer. Director of Cultural Services at the Musee d'Orsay discusses Philippe Apleoig's innovative work for the museum and the Festival d'ete. With commentary from Apeloig.