Perspectives. No 13. Alvin Lustig

Perspectives. No 13. Alvin Lustig
Perspectives. No 13. Cover and typographic design: Alvin Lustig
Autumn 1955.
British edition of Perspectives published by Hamish Hamilton London. Printed at the Curwen Press.
I assume this was the last cover and layout Lustig designed before his death in December 1955.
Lustig had by that time become blind and he ‘directed’ his wife, Elaine Lustig Cohen, to design the issue.
Contents: Contemporary American drawings by Johnson, The businessman as philosopher by Galbraith, The fiction of Ernest Hemingway by Schwartz, Charles Ives by Cowell and Cowell, The unvexed isles by Warren, Circe by Welty, The world of George Santayana by Singer, Three poems by Warren, Football in America by Denney and Riesman, Notes on recordings of contemporary American music by Berger, Letter from New York by Dupee.
Book reviews of Walter Gropius: Work and Teamwork by Siegfried Giedion and The Natural House by Frank Lloyd Wright, written by Frederick Gutheim.