Very good condition with it’s attractive dust jacket.
A quite fine, delicately designed book. Good, tactile paper stock. It’s a joy to look through the pages showing historical as well as cut out free shapes of type and typography. Well balanced layout.
Designed by Larry Webster.
'This is a sourcebook, for the beginner and professional alike, a guide to recognition and identification of the meaning of type. He (Lawson) presents his formula for a rational system of type classification, after reviewing the various systems known use. Outlining the historical development of types and the mechanisation of typesetting, he then discusses the newer developments of phototypesetting, computerised typesetting, and photo lettering. Lawson covers the protection of type designs and the usage of special kinds of type. And in a separate section, he deals with the nomenclature of a printer’s type and typography.'
Lawson was a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology‘s School of Printing. This book was his response to the course he taught on the development of printing type. Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs, diagrams, type and specimen examples.
Lawson and Hermann Zapf were friends and corresponded regularly.