Ruari McLeanTrue to Type: a Typographical Autobiography

Ruari McLeanTrue to Type: a Typographical Autobiography


Ruari McLeanTrue to Type: a Typographical Autobiography

Oak Knoll Press & Werner Shaw


The Scottish-born McLean tells all about building his career as a designer, typographer, and author in London's postwar publishing scene. McLean played a central role in British graphic design from the 1940s to the 1980s, designing and editing Motif and penning the well-known Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography. His life story, from hot type to cold, is sprinkled with photos and illustrations; in a postscript, he gracefully considers the question "Is typography necessary?" (The answer: Of course but first the words have to be right.) Includes a checklist of books written, compiled, or translated by McLean.Reading about Ruari’s life is like a journey through the world of typography/typographers of the 1930s - 1990s. No notable typographer seems to be left out of Ruari’s working circle. Fascinating, enjoyable and educational.

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