The Art of Packaging 1937

The Art of Packaging 1937
The Art of Packaging.
By D.E.A. Charlton
Studio 1937. 128pp
Design: M A Cline.
Nice 1930s layout.
A very detailed analysis and description of ’new’ packaging design. In parts it sounds like an in-depth description of complete re-branding cases. Charlton describes a whole process from a ‘modernised trademark’ to using specifically developed special papers, so that the Brands colour could be produced/printed consistently for different items of a product range
Nice new identity packaging on page 75 for Morrell - showing tins containing: midget Frankfurters, lunch tongue, Vienna sausage or brains & gravy.
Very pleasing designs, if not all food contained in it ...
Chapters: Why the Package, Essentials of the Package, Types of Packages, Factors of Package Design, Material, Construction, Old and New (redesign), Equipment, Displaying the Package, When to change the Package, Future for Packages.
Illustrations / photographs show packaging designs by Arthur Allen, Egmont Arens, Milner Gray, O H W Hadank, Gustav Jensen, Moholy Nagy, Ben Nash, Rudolf Köhl, Paul Ressinger, George Switzer, Martin Ullman, and others.
Manufacturers of whom packing designs are shown:
Alka-Seltzer, Bahlsen Keksfabrik, Heller Confectionery, Bakelite, Coca Cola, Du Pont, Hennessey Brandy, Jameson Whiskey, Kraft, Lyons, Remington, Shell, Simpson Piccadilly, Suchard, Wrigley’s, and many more.
Ex-library copy