Graphic Design Britain ’70. Fred Lambert

Graphic Design Britain ’70. Fred Lambert
Graphic Design Britain ’70
Editor: Frederick Lambert
Studio Vista London. 1970
200pp. about 800 illustrations.
Well-illustrated survey of the best in British graphic design, also acts as a catalogue for an exhibition at De La Rue House, London during March 1970.
The scope of the designs submitted spans the entire field of communications; press advertising, leaflets, trademarks and symbols, house styles, letter headings, magazine design, packaging, books, posters, illustrations, corporate images, and miscellaneous design are all represented.
Designers work included: David Bailey, Derek Birdsall, Peter Blake, Colin Brignall, Michael Burke, Mel Calman, Gerald Cinnamon, Conran Design, Crosby/Fletcher/Forbes, Michael Dempsey, Roger Denning, Tom Eckersley, Dan Fern, David Gentleman, Bob Gill, George Hardie, John Hedgecoe, F H K Henrion, David Hillman, David Hockney, Richard Hollis, Minale Tattersfield, John Nash, Peter Pearce, Peter Wildbur, amongst about 600 more colleagues.