J-J. P. Oud Henri-Russell Hitchcock Jr

J-J. P. Oud Henri-Russell Hitchcock Jr


J-J. P. Oud

Henri-Russell Hitchcock Jr

Editions Cahiers d’Art


Only 500 copies were printed of this edition.

Les Cahiers D-Architecture Contemporaine Vol. 11

Les maitres de l’architecture d-aujourd'hui

French text

Very good condition.

6 text pages and 45 pages with photographs and drawings of Out’s architecture.

Houses shown include: 

House in Katwijk-aan-Zee, Cafe de Unie in Rotterdam, Worker's Houses at the Hoek of Holland, Row of 5 houses, Weissenhof Housing Exposition, Stuttgart, House in Noordwijkerhout (collaboration with Theo van Doesburg), as well as several sketches/drawings of houses/projects not built.

Oud ranked amongst the best 4 architects beside Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier in the 1930s.

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