the work of frei otto and his teams 1955 - 1976

the work of frei otto and his teams 1955 - 1976
the work of frei otto and his teams 1955 - 1976. IL 17. Ludwig Gläser. 56pp. Perfect condition.
Frei Otto worked on some incredible roof structures for the Munich Olympic Games in 1972, for which Otl Aicher and team designed the identity.
Mitteilungen des Instituts for leichte Flachentragwerke (IL) Special issue devoted to the exhibition organized in 1971 by The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
The work of frei otto was first shown at the Museum of Modern Art NY under a tent structure specially developed for this exhibition.
Frei Otto pioneered the use of modern, lightweight, tent-like structures for many uses. He was attracted to them partly for their economical and ecological values. As early as the 1950s, he built complex models to test and perfect tensile shapes. Engineers in his studio were early adopters of computers for structural analysis of Frei Otto’s projects, but the basic input data for these calculations came from the physical form-finding models.
In 1958, Otto founded the first of several institutions he would establish that were dedicated to lightweight structures — the Institute for Development of Lightweight Construction, a small private institute (IL)— and he opened a new studio in the Zehlendorf district of Berlin.
The establishment of the Biology and Building research group at the Technical University of Berlin in 1961 marked the beginning of his cooperative work between architects, engineers, and biologists. They applied their knowledge of tents, grid shells, and other lightweight structures to better understand the designs of biological structures and forms.